All Indians need to act now
Monday, December 01, 2008
Will India learn from its mistakes ?
A FULL 10 hours elapsed before the Indian government responded on the ground to the Mumbai terror attacks. Having fought terrorism longer than most nations, India should have by now led the world in the war against terrorism. Instead, we are

Never before in its history of facing some of the bloodiest terrorist attacks has India felt so collectively crippled as it does today. It demands action, not just fancy words and empty promises from politicians.
A lot of this is our mistake, why do we elect such leaders who go upto the extent of destroying humanity to gain power. It's high time we as individuals take up the responsibilty our nation and our fellow human beings. The question is how ?
Well heres how..
1. Police Reforms : Police is the first line of security for any nation. Did you know as per the Supreme Court (SC) rulings of September 2006 and March 2008, Maharashtra government was supposed to form a State Security Commission and a Police Establishment Board to look after the affairs of the police personnel, like their appointments/ transfers/ working hours/ benefits etc. The SC had ruled in 1998, that there should be a credible mechanism for appointment of senior police officers, which does not appear to have been done in Maharashtra. From July 2006 to August 2007, a total of 144 police officers were transferred in violation of Section 4(4) of the Maharashtra Transfer Act, 2006.
If the Maharashtra government really needs to care about the safety of citizens, it should immediately implement the State Security Commission and establish the Police Establishment Board, as per the orders of the HC and the SC. This would go a long way in improve our security AND the morale and performance of our police force.
So what we all need to do it talk about implementing the police reforms in the country, use every forum posible, TV, Print, media, Social Websites, blogging, word of mouth. Question your local leader, corporator, MP, MLA. and do this reateadly... Remeber if the Police is liberalised from politicians they would perform better. Even the top cops say this.
2. Be Honest and fight Corruption : Let's all be honest and free the country from corruption. Each one of us can really contribute to the betterment of this country only if we could stop ourselves from increasing coruption. If you dont bribe, no one will take it. Its we the Indians who have converted our politicians like this. So lets join hand and start valuing law and order. You have to start some where. So lets start it and see the change around.
If any Central government officer demands bribe for any official work in Mumbai, Plz contact SP, CBI, Mumbai on 9820185123 or 022-22882794 or complaint via internet or contact
Anti Corruption Bureau,
1st Floor,
Madhu Industrial Estate,
Pandurang Budhkar Marg,
Worli, Mumbai 400 013
Tel: +91- 22 - 2492 1212
3. Use the power or Right To Information : The Right to Information Act is a legislation that allows the public to access information regarding government spending and policy. Article 19(1) (a) of the Indian Constitution guarantees the fundamental rights to free speech and expression. Like any other servant who is accountable to their employers the public servant is accountable to the people. Remember on an aware and responsibe indiviual can bring about a change in the society.
Visit for simple understanding of the RTI Tool. It has a user friendly RTI Frequently asked question section.
To lodge a RTI diret complain online visit here and to check the status of your RTI application us the RTI Request & Appeal Management Information System (RTI-MIS) online here.
4th and one of the important contribution which you could very much do is.. spread the message. go to your email and email the below page link to all you friends and collegues.

Labels: Mumbai United
posted by Rishil Babu @ 11:59 AM,
My Mumbai Bleeds
The Mumbai terror attack has surely shaken us all. It was the most audacious terrorist attacks in the history of Independent India.
At least 197 people had been killed in the attacks and 293 wounded. Among the dead were 121 Indian civilians, 17 policemen and 34 foreigners. Hundreds of family deeply impacted. Mothers lost sons, children lost parents.
Something unbelievable happened in Mumbai on those 4 days.. people were left indefensible, only silent spectator...

All our prayers go out to those people who got killed, their families and to the police officers who gave up their own lives to save the others . . . Rest in Peace
Labels: Mumbai Attack, Mumbai United
posted by Rishil Babu @ 9:00 AM,