Better India - How we can make a difference
Sunday, March 15, 2009
India is mostly democratic when it comes to holding elections and permitting freedom of movement and expression. But it mostly isn't when it comes to the functioning of politicians and political institutions.
The problem in India is we lack effective regulation on the way political parties function. Aspects such as financing of political parties, selection of candidates, accountability, and transparency are largely left to political parties to self regulate.
While free and fair elections are a necessary condition for a healthy democracy, they are not sufficient. A healthy democracy must provide good governance that responds in a timely manner to the concerns of all its citizens.
Soon we Indian would go on to the election mode, another chance to vote and select our leaders. As citizens, the 'Right to vote' is the only constitutional provision that allows us to participate directly in the government machinery. Remember every vote counts...
We have a population of over 100 crores and yet we continue to watch helplessly the increasing value of misappropriations each year by these anti people mafias.
If you thought you're too insignificant a unit to make a difference, think again. Make your neighborhood better and safer. If everyone does that the nation will be a safer place to live in.
Make sure this elections you make a difference... Below i have shared some usefull resorces..
1. The Liberty Institute in New Delhi launched Empowering India - a website dedicated to “Making democracy meaningful”. The Website.
2. The Freedom Team of India (FTI) is a forum for policy, strategy, and leadership development to promote our freedom. FTI members are committed to contesting elections in India under the banner of freedom. The Website.
3. Jaago Re!’s focus is to get India’s one billion voters to register and participate in the electoral process. The Website.
4. Association for Democratic Reforms or ADR conducts “Election Watch” activities throughout India, spending considerable time and effort to dig into the backgrounds of political candidates and their antecedents. The Website.
5. Get your basics and myths on voting cleared.. click here for information.
If you like my article, do share this link to your frends.. would like to have your comments below...
Labels: Exclusive, Indian Elections
posted by Rishil Babu @ 7:03 AM,