Explore the beauty of Andaman and Nicobar Islands of Indian territory.
Andamans, better known as the distinct island of Indian territory.The British established their first colony in the Andaman and Nic

Located in the Bay of Bengal, this group of 572 islands lies 193 km away from Cape Negrais in Myanmar, 1255 km from Calcutta, and 1190 km from Chennai. The two important groups of islets are Ritchie's Archipelago and Labyrinth Islands. The Nicobar Islands are located to the south of the Andamans, 121 km from the Little Andaman Island. Of the total 572 islands, only 36 islands are inhabited. The Islands are located between the latitudes 6° to 14° North and longitudes 92° to 94° East.
The islands have a tropical climate. There is medium to heavy rain during the monsoon, in the months from May to mid September and November to mid December. There is no extreme climate except rains and tropical storms in late summer often cause heavy damage.
The Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands has a vast forest resource base with 7,171 sq km of the total area of island covered by forests. A large variety of timber is found in the Andaman group of islands. The Islands have reported the occurrence of diatomaceous earth, gold, limestone, nickel, selenite and sulphur. The Oil And Natural Gas Commission is continuing the exploration for oil and gas there.
The Union Territory has a number of small scale, village and handicrafts units. The number of export-oriented units is also increasing in the agro-processing sectors. The Andaman and Nicobar Integrated Development Corporation has made its presence felt in civil supplies, tourism, fisheries, industries, and industrial financing activities.
Around 50,000 hectares of land is under cultivation here. Paddy is the main food crop and is mostly cultivated in the Andaman group of islands, whereas coconut and areca nut are the main cash crops of the Nicobar group of islands. Different kinds of fruits such as mango, sapota, orange, banana, papaya, pineapple and some root crops are also grown on the islands.
Cellular Jail
Built over twelve years from 1896 to 1908 and home to hundreds of freedom fighters whose names are now engraved on the walls of its watch tower, the Cellular Jail stands as a symbol of colonial oppression, cruelty and untold suffering. Situated in the north-east corner of Port Blair, it is a national memorial now. The prison fanned out in seven wings, stands three stories high and contained a total of 698 cells. Three wings have been now destroyed to make way for a hospital, but a visit to the remaining can only give an indication of the horrors of incarceration. Daily work routines for the prisoners included the crushing of thirty pounds of coconut and mustard oil; being unable to meet the quota would result in severe punishment shackling and flogging. There are no records of how many died or were executed.
Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park
The Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park at Wandoor is at a distance of 29 Kms. from Port Blair covering an area of 281.5 Sq.Kms. This Marine Park made-up of open sea, creeks and 15 small and large islands, is one of the best found anywhere in the world. Viewing of rare corals and underwater marine life through glass bottom boats, Scuba Diving and Snorkeling are a lifetime experience for anyone here.
Fisheries Museum
The Fisheries Museum near the Water Sports Complex houses nearly 350 species of marine life, including live coral, sharks, polyps and starfish.
Samudrika Museum
The Samudrika is a museum run by the navy. It is divided into five sections: history of the islands, their geography, people, marine life and archaeology. It houses an impres
Mini Zoo
Situated at Haddo (Delanipur - Chatham road), it houses some of the rare species of endemic birds and animals found in these islands.
Mount Harriet
The summer headquarters of the Chief Commissioner during British Raj, this place is an ideal for a nice and fascinating over view of the outer islands and the sea. It is the highest peak in the South Andamans (365 metres high). One can trek upto Madhuban through a nature trail and can find rare endemic birds, animals and butterflies
How to reach Andamans
By Air
Port Blair the Capital of Andaman & Nicobar Islands is connected with Chennai and Kolkata by air. Presently flights are operated by Alliance Air, Jet Airways, Air Deccan & Air Sahara. Air Deccan, Alliance Air and Jet Airways are operating flights between Chennai and Port Blair on all 7 days of the week. For Kolkata-Port Blair –Kolkata sector Alliance Air operates flights on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday. Air Deccan & Air Sahara operates flights between Kolkata - Port Blair - Kolkata on all 7 days of the week. Air Sahara operates flights between Delhi - Port Blair - Delhi via Kolkata on all 7 days of the week.
By Sea
Regular passenger ship services are available to Port Blair from Chennai, Kolkata and Visakhapatnam and back. There are three to four sailings every month from Kolkata and Chennai to Port Blair and vice-versa. There is one sailing from Visakhapatnam in a month. The voyage takes about 50 to 60 hours and the ship normally berths at Port Blair for about two to four days.
posted by Rishil Babu @ 1:30 AM,
- At 3:21 AM, said...
Really good.Visit andamansikkim.Blogspot
- At 3:24 AM, The Unadorned said...
A crisply organised post. A trip to the Andamans is always exhilarating.
I've published a book of short stories, "The Remix of Orchid" that contains 21 short stories, all of them set in these pristine islands. Last May the book was released by His Excellency the Governor of Orissa. The book has a heart-warming foreword from Mr Ruskin Bond. More about the book at my blog http://remixoforchid.blogspot.com
Nanda - At 6:54 AM, The Unadorned said...
A nice post that covers an extensive range of information about this beautiful tourist spot! People planning a visit to the islands will find this useful.
Port Blair is the place I stayed between 1995-1998 and reading your snippet I feel a pristine place like the Andamans should be visited again and again.
I've written a whole book of fiction set in the archipelago. With a heart-warming foreword from Mr Ruskin Bond, my book "The Remix of Orchid" has been doing well. More about the book at http://remixoforchid.blogspot.com