Australia to open a Tourism office in India to cash growing & moneymaking middle-class travel industry.
It has been observed that in 2005-06 visitors to Australia from India grew by 33 per cent to 78,900 compared with 2004-05. The Indian market is expected to reach 550,000 tourists by 2025, with a value of more $2 billion.

Tourism Australia's regional manager for South, South East Asia and Gulf, Maggie White, said the office opening follows strong tourism marketing activity and trade representation already taking place in the market. A dedicated office will ensure that continuing marketing efforts will capture a larger segment of Indian consumers.
AUSTRALIA will open a tourism office in India to cash in on the burgeoning and lucrative middle-class travel industry there."India's booming economy is fuelling a wealthy and outward-bound mobile middle-class, offering new opportunities for Australia," Tourism Minister Fran Bailey said.
Maggie White welcomed the whole-of-government response to the National Tourism Emerging Markets Strategy: China and India, released today by Tourism Minister Fran Bailey, which included the commitment to open a new Tourism Australia office in India.
"The new office will allow Tourism Australia to build on existing marketing and PR activities, and will support the roll out of the "So Where the Bloody Hell Are You?' campaign, which launched on Indian TV this week," said Ms White.
"Currently, we are also targeting the growing honeymoon market using, India's most successful matrimonial service. The month long campaign is using banners, newsletters and a interactive micro site to showcase Australia as an ideal honeymoon destination to over seven million registered members.
"Through our Aussie Specialist program, 487 registered Aussie Specialist agents from 135 travel agencies are selling Australian holidays to Indian consumers with their detailed knowledge of
Australia and the fabulous experiences we have to offer. The program also provides a vehicle for Australian industry to access the retail network.
"The support from the Australian and Indian tourism industries for continued development of the Indian market has been stronger than ever. In September 2006 we saw the largest ever Indian Travel Mission with 48 Australian sellers and 114 Indian travel buyers taking part.
As India grows and opens up economically, more companies are finding incentive trips are a good way to reward and educate staff. Australia is high on the incentive list, being seen as an
ideal and rewarding destination.
Mumbai is the most likely location for the new office, one of India's most lively and glamorous cities with a population of more than 18 million. "Opening a dedicated Tourism Australia office in India will assist us in promoting Australia as a great place to visit for work or play to a wider Indian audience", concluded Maggie White.
posted by Rishil Babu @ 8:24 PM,